1995 June 3: "www.igl.ku.dk" opened as a server for the then Dept. of Greek and Latin, by Troelsgaard and F.S. Pedersen. It was hosted on "vox.media.ku.dk", a Digital Alphastation 200 run by Paul A. Mayer at the Dept. of Film and Media.
1996 Dec 18: "www.igl.ku.dk" migrated to a 180 MHz Pentium Pro PC clone at the Dept. of Greek and Latin, running Linux and Apache (as do the later incarnations of this server).
2002 March 3: "www.igl.ku.dk" moved to a Dell Dimension 4300 MT, 1.6 GHz. -- After 2004, when the SAXO Institute was established, the administrative pages were moved to the SAXO server, while some grassroot pages remained in place.
2013 Feb 14: "adam.sc.ku.dk" established as a virtual server containing Aigis, Monumenta and a few other pages. -- The physical server has been taken down, while the name "www.igl.ku.dk" temporarily survives as an alias of the virtual machine.