Notes to raw inventory of canons Ca. 1991-08-04 17:47, a few corrections of 2002-04-26. C: Some of the canons begin as do the headings in other versions, thus Ca39 has "Cum annos Arabum ex annis Christi, accipe...", instead of just "Cum hoc vol., accipe...". Thus also, e.g., Ca73 (p.227b). Some re-statements even in the canons which were recorded as standard: thus, most "si deus voluerit" have been left out. Cr: Rubrics left out, room for some of them. Ch1: 79-91: hdg. is a later addition, in the top margin. 106: adds "et in consimili gradu minuto et secundo oppositi signi est cauda draconis, si deus voluerit". The paraphrase of Ca53-57, about half a page, is in a different ink and seems to be added later, though probably by the same hand. In erasure? As in C, some chapters incorporate the headings, e.g. Ca65 "E contrario autem si volueris scire altitudinem solis ex umbra extensa..." Several examples in Ca65-70-. Ca71-72: not a rubric, but underscored, in a contemp. hand. 84v+, several substantial pieces from the canons "Diversi astrologi" ascribed to Roger of Hereford. Some passages are, however, abridged and re-stated. LOOK in this treatise for the earlier additions too! A peculiar phrase is "contra -- tabulare". Ca133: absent. Cb236+: starting a new page, in the same hand; preceded by a blank half-page. Co: Some re-phrasing, incorporating the headings into the text. Still most of the wording has been preserved. Before Ca69, large initial but within the line. 137v: after the common ending of the canons (Ca197) the text-hand continues with "Ars inveniendi eclipsim lunae. Scias quod luna non obscurabitur", Alkhwarizmian, cf. Kq 67b+. Then other rules, none of which are like the common canons except "Ars communis ad sciendum quae sit hora noctis et punctus horae per stellas fixas" (139v-140r), which includes a rule that may be a parallel version of Cb232+. Eg: Ca101 is abridged. Ca126 just has "Cum vol. sc. hoc, intra...", thus without echoing the heading. This is the case for several other canons, relatively to the transcript. No distinction was made between initials taking up two lines and only one line. Both kinds may be accompanied by headings. Fj: The text begins on a recto page, and something may be lost before it. I cannot see whether the quire starts here; check Bjoernbo. Ca191+, lower mg., an alternative title in text-hd.: "Iste est titulus huius tractatus, scilicet Cum volueris scire horas revolutionis etc.: (same ink as in the text:) Differentia V de scientia revolutionis cuiuslibet anni, et de ascensionibus ascendentis et medii caeli ad quamcumque horam, et de augmentatione mediorum cursuum et portionum omnium planetarum et capitis secundum revolutionem, et item (?) de augmentatione temporis et horarum in annis Romarum secundum revolutionem. Ca(pitulum 1 differentiae V, de horis revolutionis cuiuslibet anni, vel nativitatis vel alicuius vis operis." After Ca198, 1/3 col. is blank, and the text continues on the next recto page with Ca134. Ca123: heading as usual, text in another ink but probably by text- hand. Fr: For f.29r (Ca184+) see addition at the beginning of the film. Several glosses in the text-hand or a contemporary hand. La1: Ca6: only the beginning, ends "adde desuper quod transierit". La2: All headings occur as ?models in the margin; the text shows vacant spaces for headings. - The margin contains other glosses, in the same hand as the headings: the glosses that can be recognized as such are excluded. - Any parts of the headings cut off or hidden in the binding are shown in <>. Ca16-17: the heading is in a faint pencil. Ca25,26: the hdgs show marks that may indicate repetitions. Ca39: both text and hdg are in lower mg., in the usual hands and with an insertion mark in the proper place. Ca133: absent. Ca198: only set off by means of a text-hand initial within the line. The same was the case for Ca190. F: Many of the rubrics are faint in the film. Ca123,124: hdgs. added in a later hand. Oj: Ca91: chapter-mark and large initial, though within line. This was counted as a chapter-break. Ca115: the long rubric might be the original one. Ca134: vacat; the heading is in the mg., in a hand of the 15-16th c. Ca172: ends "et scias inde diversitatem aspectus loci lunae in", at the end of a leaf, rest gone. H: There are empty spaces for the headings; their text is found in the lower margin. The "Primum", ... concern the placement on the page in question. In cases of ambiguity the common placement has been followed. Text in <> is hidden in the binding. The endings "si deus voluerit", etc., are absent. Ca12: new-line before "Si autem fuerit annus", no large initial. Ca14: the heading, on 36v, has a deleted double on 36r. Ca46: new-line and chapter-mark, no hdg nor room for initial. Ca60: last sentence "Proba" absent. Ca50...59: hdgs cut off; the detached slip is between f.41v and 42r. The hdg for 50-52 is visible, the rest are hidden or absent. Ca89, Ca90: new-lines, no hdgs or room for initials. -- There are further instances of this, not recorded. Ca185+: only the hdg., on 59v; the text was on the next leaf, now gone. Ca192: "<**> ex mense. Si autem plus exierit...". Ca198: "...Deinde locus lunae a loco solis <**>". After this, one or more leaves are missing. Om: For some chapters, Ca and Cc have the same text, and Om's text cannot be referred to one or the other. But "Ca107-114", which does not occur in the witnesses of Cc, does have "punctum", as found elsewhere in Cc, instead of the "cuspis" of Ca. Perhaps this is really a missing piece of Cc. Cc:cc1.05-06: the collation copy has interpolations about Christian years, absent from some of the mss. of Cc. When the interpolations are eliminated, Om fits Cc best. Or: Additional heading, 16-17th c., "authore Stantono mathematico Anglo, teste Baleo". S: First hdg. rubricated, rest added in a glossator's hand, sometimes hard to distinguish from the glosses surrounding them. Ca31: has a painted initial, but is not preceded by a blank line to hold the heading, as are the rest. Ca133: missing. Interesting glosses on authors, e.g., to Ca185, "Hoc capitulum sumptum est a libro Albategni, et eiusdem tenor tangitur pro parte in commento 18 propositionis abbreviati Almagesti". Ou: Two rubricators' hands, a rigid one and a rounder one; the latter is put into <<>>. Oo: Several hands, marked as m1, m2, m3. Ca82: large initial within line, here taken as a chapter-break. Ca91+: either another hand, or m1 writing more quickly. In fact the last few words of Ca90 are partly in this hand. Ca91+, 106+, "Subtrahe verum", and "Habito medio", are set off by means of new-lines and alinea-signs. These were taken as chapter-breaks. Ca97: false start in context "Cum volueris aequare Saturnum Iovem et Martem, extrahe medium cursum cuius eorum volueris", then the normal beginning. Cf. ms. Vd. Ca107: the normal heading survives as the incipit of the chapter. Ca115: starts "Ad sciendum retrogradationem...", thus the normal heading has been lost. Ca45: addition, similar to ms. Vr. N: Ca60: last clause "Proba..." missing. Ca41, the copy after Ca78: stops in "a 60 usque ad 90 intra cum eo in lineam". The paragraph has been crossed out. Obviously a relic from the common version. R: In detail, the text differs much from the common one. Headings occur as glosses in the margin. Many of them are faint or hidden in the film. Missing headings are denoted by "(none)" even if the text leaves room for rubrics. Ca10: there is a heading, but the text continues from Ca9. Ca56-(57), first copy: Ca57 ends in "...60 quae praecesserunt et quod", then comes "volueris scire sinum aequalem..." and the rest of Ca54-55. Ca60: last sentence "Proba..." omitted. Ca81: last sentence "Sed nunc..." omitted. Ca170+: with a comment in the text-hand; the column is split to make room for this. Ca185-190: blank spaces for manu of the numbers, filled in by a 15th- c. hand. For the hdg to Ca189 we have " numeris eclipsis solis..." within the context, and for Ca190 there may be the "numerus eclipsis lunae et <->" in the mg., inserted about here. P: Ca20: The common heading stands as the last sentence in the preceding chapter, then follows the rubric specific for this ms. This shows that the rubric is secondary. -- Does ms.R show the common hdg within the text? If not, then the marginal headings in ms.R could have been imported from a text like this, and be nothing to do with the main text. -- This is very clear from Ca191+, where the marginals in R correspond to rubrics in P, but not to chapter-divisions in R itself. Ca26: absent. Pr: Ca46: painted initial but no space for it nor for any heading. This was not taken as a chapter-break. Vd: The hdg reported is contemporary. There is an extra one, 17th c.? Ca14: first word left out, and run together with Ca13. -- The readings are bad in detail. "(vacat)" really means that there happens to be space left in the last line of the preceding paragraph. This is also the use elsewhere, unless a different sense is indicated. Vr: Ca34 is much paraphrased, with extra comments. Ca97 has a false start, "Cum volueris aequare Saturnum, Iovem et Martem, (et) extrahe medium cursum cuius eorum volueris", then the normal incipit. Ca124+: with lesser insertions, wording is recognizable. Ca126+: ditto. Ca130: has the same omission as ms.P.